Electricity Grid in Crisis – Load Shedding
Disruptive Load Shedding, What To Do? I’m Vincent Selleck, Managing Director of 888 Solar Tek. In recent years, the stability of electricity grids around the world has come under increasing strain, manifesting in widespread and disruptive load shedding. In this article, we will explore strategies to address the challenges of load shedding
Power Play: Rising Prices, Lower Feed-in Tariffs Squeeze Solar Owners
Is It Time To Go Off Grid? Managing Director of 888 Solar Tek talks about the advantages of claiming more energy independence with solar batteries. Read more…
Simple Ways To Improve Your Solar Performance
Free helpful tips from your local solar expert – Vincent Selleck Let’s get your solar system ready for summer with a systematic performance and maintenance check. Here are the main things I will cover: Springtime Solar Activities while the Sun is in Virgo How well is your solar system performing? Are there
Have Your Electricity Bills Been Getting Out Of Control?
I’m Vincent Selleck, CEO of 888 Solar Tek. In this short article I will share my inside knowledge to help you manage massive electricity price rises with solar and batteries. Here are the main things I will cover: Thanks for your time and attention. Without beating around the bush: Greedflation is rife
All You Need To Know About Electricity Prices, Solar And Batteries
All you need to know about Electricity prices, Solar and Batteries Electricity prices, Solar and Batteries All you need to know about Electricity prices, Solar and Batteries I’m Vincent Selleck, CEO of 888 Solar Tek. In this short article I will share my inside knowledge to help you manage massive electricity price
The EV Revolution Is Here! The Future Of EV’s
It is now possible to have zero net emissions from electricity and vehicle use, with tremendous savings for your household. Your Northern Rivers Solar and EV partner, 888 Solar Tek, offers affordable EV and solar charging solutions, with low km, near new Nissan Leaf’s at a fraction of the new price. Take
What’s It Like Driving An EV In The Northern Rivers?
How do I feel about driving for free powered by sunshine? Do I always smile when I drive past petrol stations and see fuel over two buck a litre? Do I enjoy the quiet, constant power of my Nissan Leaf while cruising up the highway?Yes, yes and bloody well yes!I have been
Solar Freedom
The world has changed. People are realising that nothing matters more than living a sustainable lifestyle free from the destructive influence of a coal and oil-based economy ruled by corporate greed. They are buying land in the country, planting fruit trees, growing veggies and powering their homes and cars with solar energy.
Pylontech Lithium Battery Upgrade for 24V Off Grid Solar System
Disadvantage of lead acid batteries When lead acid batteries fail in small off grid solar systems it can be catastrophic. No power for water pumps, lights or refrigeration. Lead acid batteries can die suddenly, particularly in winter when the colder temperatures cause the chemical process to slow down. Lead acid batteries need
Your next step in Solar – Make the power company pay you!
Do you have solar but the power bills just keep coming? With new advances in solar technology thousands of home owners like you are now receiving credits on their bill. You will be surprised how easy it is to get on top of your power company once you know how. I’m Vincent